Wednesday 5 February 2014

Movie addictions

Before the kids were born we were avid movie goers. We are still movie overs, but if it's a choice between staying up late to watch a movie or head to bed these days, well, it has to be a pretty good movie!

So, it's only natural I guess that our movie viewing is now made up largely of Disney and Pixar.

It's so funny how kids get attached to certain shows and movies. One rainy Christmas at the beach we were subjected to Ants far too many times than any sane adult should ever be expected to endure. I could probably still regurgitate half th dialogue word-for-word. Then the obsession ends as abruptly as it begun, and we are not the next thing.

Other previous addictions have included:
Beauty and the Beast (resulting in the acquisition of a crazy beautiful Belle costume that's been worn practically to rags by Isla and any other visiting young lady and also the demand of anyone from Lachy to Grandad to be Beast and dance with "Belle")
Finding Nemo
Pochahontas (i can still picture Isla now in Grandad's kayak at Whitianga, being pushed through the waves and singing along to herself "Pain with all the colours of the wind...". She also wanted long, black hair for a while there)
The Lion King  (Prompted Piha's Lion Rock to hereafter be known as Lion King Rock and also ensured Isla's eyes just about popped out of her head when she saw the Lion King themed area right next to where we stayed in Disney World)

And the latest, a Christmas gift, has been the Jungle Book. Isla loved it and repeatledly requested it. It's the first movie Lachy has ever taken an interest in and has become his first film obsession too. Isla started singing the "Bear Necessites" song from the movie and now Lachy calls it "Cessies" and asks for it all. The. Time. It's so cute when he tries to sing along and he's started singing the snake Kaa's song "Trust in Me". "trusty meeeee, trusty meeee". Ha, he is turning into such a performer.

Ok kids, disclaimer here. We didn't just plonk you in front of TV all day. A little in the afternoon for a break and a little more before bed. Ok, and quite a bit more than that on rainy days.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha live the disclaimer Nikki :). The girl have really taken to the jungle book too and it is now on the frequently requested list too. If i didn't know it well before from my childhood...i definitely do now! We are dead keen for Frozen to come out too...may be a while yet though :)
