Wednesday 29 April 2015

Angry Birds

Isla has been learning about ANZAC Day and the First World War at school, her great-great-Grandads involvement etc and so inevitably there has also been a lot of talk about it at home, piquing Lachy's interest.

When he likes a story he asks to be told about it again and again or will just ask "tell more more about (fill in the blank)".

After playgroup we went to the library and there was still a table set up featuring ANZAC books and poppies etc. which obviously reminded him of the topic. We got back in the car and he said "Mum, can you tell me again about the soldiers and the turkeys who killed them?".

Monday 20 April 2015


Our sweet, boisterous, hilarious, clever and caring little boy has turned three. He constantly cracks us up and challenges us with his intellect and charm as he shows glimpses of the special boy he is becoming.

A few of his recent musings and sayings:

Isla loves playing "I Spy" during long car trips and Lachy tries to join in. He almost has the hang of it...
"I spy with my little eye something beginning with... water/cow/tree."

During a recent sleepover at Nana and Grandads:

"Oh my gosh, I've never seen anything like that in my whole born life." Sometimes it is so hard to remember he is still so little!

Playing "What's the time Mr Wolf" at Easter whenever it was his turn each and every time he would declare "Dinner Clock". Then when he wanted to play again "Can we play 'What's the time Mr Fox'".

Today i got "Mum, will i be three forever now, or just for five minutes"?

He had his first solo swimming lesson today and managed to get over his fear and anxiety - I hate to see the internal battles our little man has but it makes me fiercely proud when he fights to be brave and wins.

Little buddy, we love your kind, kind soul, your love of silliness, word play and laughter. The way you can be felled by a gentle tickle to your neck and the way you complete our family. Happy Birthday sweet child x

Allowing his sister to help with present opening, especially card reading duties.

Opted for Kelly Tarlton's for his birthday outing.

Disastrous cake but covered in icing, sugar animals and candles he couldn't care less.

The day of Lachy's farm party dawned miserable and wet, wet, wet.
Yet the downpour and puddles were the highlight for some!
So teeny, he was just about doing the splits sitting on this pony.

Tractor ride

Miss Isla

Isla's current pet which had to be taken to school for news. Sorry Miss Petersen, but better in your classroom than my letterbox.

Ever impatient to grow up Isla can't wait to be able to drink coffee and drive a car, things she obviously views as quintessential grown-up activities. This just makes me cherish even more the times she comes out with sweet and innocent comments that remind you she still has a huge amount to discover in life.

The other day driving past a golf course a golfer was getting increasingly frustrated trying to hit his ball out of a sand trap.
Isla "Mum, what is that man doing".
Me "Playing golf".
Isla (disappointed) "Oh. So he's not digging for dinosaur bones then?"

Back in my day, we used to run the cross country because we were told to. At Isla's school the children get sponsors for their "Fun run" and they get to choose prizes based on how much money they earn from their sponsors. As much as I completely disagree with the philosophy of prizes for the kids, money must be raised for school. So, the fun run went ahead and Lachy and I went to watch. Year 1 girls were second and it was such fun to watch.  It was obvious that Isla had no idea that it was a race and the objective was to run to win. But as she skipped around the course, with a gorgeous smile on her face enjoying every second of it as the parents clapped and cheered she showed me that nothing mattered except her delight in the moment.

Once the fun run was completed Isla got to choose her prizes, depending on how much money she raised. After much deliberation she decided on a friendship bracelet kit and a squishy ball. At this point Lachy came over and asked which toy he could choose. I started to explain to him that it was Isla's reward for the fun run etc and Isla said "It's ok mum, I will just get the friendship bracelet kit and Lachy can choose another toy for himself". Kindness is a huge part of this kids makeup and we are so proud of her.

Much of the school holidays was spent writing and drawing and writing and writing and writing! I think Nana Linda and Lachy whose birthdays both fell during the holidays got about 8 birthday cards each.

Our social wee girl was so excited to get back to school and her friends. She had her first jazz ballet lesson at lunch time yesterday and spent all evening dancing around showing us what she learned and how to "skirtsy". Growing up yes, but thankfully not too quickly.

First ever solo ride on Shilo (view through Buddy's ears).

Thursday 16 April 2015

Easter holidays

It's almost halfway through the holidays and we arrived back in Auckland yesterday to rain and very cold weather.

We were extremely lucky over Easter to have such lovely, sunny weather and there was a lot of swimming, boating and general outside activity.

We get to end the holidays on a high note, our wee guy turned 3 yesterday, we had a wonderful day and tomorrow a small celebration with friends and family - we have two very excited children on our hands!

Climbing to the top is no longer enough of a challenge for Isla

Egg hunt
Checking out the loot from the Easter Bunny (Isla - "I think it's just a person dressed up as a bunny")
Downtime with their new headphones
Ferry ride, bush walk, hot chips and milkshake day
This guy raided the biscuit tin, stole off to the top bunk and munched away.

Mr Magoo the Macaw