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Won't sleep without her zebra pillow - best party favour ever. |
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Sleeping sideways on your bed. No slumber session is complete without your squirrel, wombat, Peppa Pig and a solar system book. |
While I write the kids are currently playing and enjoying a late morning tea in the playhouse. It is cold, wet and windy outside but they don't care. We are all enjoying the school holidays, staying in pyjamas and not rushing anywhere in the mornings.The last few months have been a whirlwind of birthday parties and busyness.
Poor Grandad Rick has had some heart problems and so we've been having hospital visits and worrying a lot. Although he is getting back to normal (or what will be a new normal) it's been scary realising that my big, strong, invincible Dad is getting older.
We have a few family birthdays coming up so we are looking forward to lots of cake, candles and especially a 5-day trip to Rotorua and the snow at the end of the month. Here are some notes about where the kidlets are at right now:
Lachy, you are the sweetest little buddy a mum could wish for. Most nights are broken at the moment with you creeping down to our room and climbing into our bed. We should get up and put you back into your room. We should be firmer with you and tell you no, but when you snuggle up to us with an arm firmly around our necks and snuggle in we just cannot resist you. Bad sleep training? Yes. Do we care right now? No.
Your favorite word is "Butt". You use it a lot. Enough said.
You are so generous with your affection - if anyone asks you for a kiss you very seldom deny and always suggest "And a cuddle." or vice versa. Heart. Melts.
Peppa Pig is an ongoing obsession. Nana and Grandad got you a tiny wee Peppa a week ago and so far it has gone everywhere and done everything with you. Several times a day we hear, in your perfect, staccato speech "Can. We. Watch. Peppa. Pig".
You are beginning to assert your authority and no longer just go along with everything your big sister (or mum and dad for that matter) wants. This is a good thing. I will keep telling myself that.
Your imagination is growing in leaps and bounds and you pick up things like the most enormously absorbent sponge - parroting Isla is helping you to learn things so quickly and yesterday you came out with "R for rainbow", "W for white" and "B for bed" at several different times during the day. We haven't tried to teach you this, you just learn and learn without trying and amaze us all the time.
Isla, you seem to be growing up more in each and every day. You are so lovely to watch with your brother, teaching him and playing such imaginative games with him. Your patience is growing.
Barbies seem to be your thing at the moment, at kindy drop off the other day you shouted over your shoulder "Look after Barbie and Ken for me Mum." Making up your own games is definitely what you want to do most of.
You are so, so, so ready for school. The last month or so has seen several of your buddies leave kindy for school and you have been a tiny bit glum. Big changes are coming for you and you will take it in your stride. Each day you stun me with how fast you learn and i love how you love to learn. The other day you went into your room with your etch-a-sketch and came out with several words you have written, all on your own. Dog, log, fog. Obviously your wonderful kindy teachers are helping you out but i was still impressed. And you were delighted when i showed you how adding an "r" to "fog" made "frog". It seems to all be coming together for you now and you will lap up the learning at school.
Most of all you just love to play with your friends, almost daily you are signing through your bedroom window to Emily next door to come and play, you are wonderful at making new friends wherever we go be it the zoo or the local playground.
Plans are coming into place for your "Frozen, Fairy, Arts & Craft" birthday party. You couldn't decide on a theme so we agreed on all three. Can't wait.
Such a lovely record Nikki - Gorgeous kidlets x