Easter well and truly crept up on us this year. I think with it being so late, Lachy's birthday, the family visiting from England etc it just sort of appeared!
We considered going away, but with the weather the way it was decided to stay put. We ended up spending some lovely quality time with family and friends and even managed an Easter egg hunt in between the showers. Needless to say, the kids had a ball. The Easter bunny created a map, with small eggs hidden around the property leading to a goodie bag of a few more eggs, books, Easter coloring pages etc. Even so, between friends and family these kids ended up with a HUGE haul of chocolate, some of which remains stashed away.
Isla drew her own map afterwards and wanted to relive the excitement of the hunt over and over again.
Both kids love chocolate. But Lachy REALLY loves it. While Isla would rush to the next location on the map, Lachy preferred to unwrap and eat each hunting egg as he found it. He continually visited his goodie bag all afternoon to snack away at his haul. It wasn't until later that evening when Max started vomiting brown, foil flecked stuff everywhere that we realised Lachy had quite a bit of assistance in getting through his stash! However, that dog is made of stern stuff and managed to clear it out of his system without a trip to the vet as on previous occasions (chocolate, contraceptive pills, unidentified "dietary misadventure").
So another week of holidays to go (Isla actually asked to go to kindy this morning) - here's hoping the sun will keep shining.
Toy Story movie night lounge sleepover (dog not watching Toy Story, dog watching popcorn). |
Cousin time at Kelly Tarltons |
We were all sad (Especially Isla who could only be consoled with mango sorbet) to see Aunty Reena, Uncle Hamish and Etienne jet back to the UK. |
General silliness |
Cornwall Park with Grandad Tom |
Pro on his new scooter |
Stunner of a day at Cornwall Park
Awww looks like a lovely time had by all! one way or another ;) Liezel too - much more interesting in eating and safekeeping a stash... hope you have a great second week x