Sunday, 19 October 2014

School days

Our incredibly sweet and kind, yet undeniably rough-and-tumble boy started kindy today. His mama is struggling - he still feels like such a baby but he is so ready and it will be so good for him. I miss him already!

"Max, do you want me to read my robot book to you?"

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Isla is learning all about inventions this terms and I am (probably naively) looking forward to being parent help on her first school trip to MOTAT next week.

 This morning while working to school we were talking about inventions. We talked about things like cars, rocket ships, ovens. Then I said "Did you know, it is actually some people's job to invent toys. How fun would that be?". To which I received the scathing reply "Not people mum, the elves invent the toys".  Just when you think they are so grown up, you get a lovely reminder that the innocence is very much present.

Also on the topic of inventions - this morning we made pikelets to take to visit Nana and Grandad at work (currently a building site - very exciting) for morning tea. Lachy: "Mum what are pikelets?". Me "kind of like small pancakes". "Mum, can I have a panglet?" Isla used to call them pan pies - I love the words that kiddos invent.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

You are only 5 once...

Wow, what a ride the last few weeks have been. So many lasts and firsts for our girl, and we are so proud of the way she takes big changes in her stride.

Isla went to THE most amazing kindy (actually, i have no comparison to base this on) but she loves it, i love it, everyone i've ever talked to loves it soooo…) and when children leave to start school there is a bit of fanfare. Norman creates a "diploma" and conducts a bit of a ceremony. He summed up Isla really well - smart, friendly, helpful and courageous. Rounded off with all the kids singing "Happy School days" it really was a very special little farewell.

Sickness plagued the household once again in the week leading up to finishing kindy, parties etc and Isla missed her last school visit. Thankfully she perked up later that day and went off to a sleepover at Nana and Grandads so that we could get into full party prep mode.

By the time Isla and Lachy returned the next day the house had been transformed into a Frozen, Fairy and arts and crafts fest complete with candy floss, snow cones and Fairy Blossom and a Piñata to entertain the kiddies.
Frozen Cake
Fairy grotto waiting for wee fairies to grace it.
Kiddies lunch boxes.
Adults food table.
Grandad Rick and Aunty Kim perfecting their candy floss technique. This was a HUGE hit, even if it did sound like a 747 and coat the inside of the house with a fine dust of blue sugar.
Fairy Blossom was stunning and captivating.

Isla has some really sweet and lovely wee friends from kindy who were a pleasure to share the day with. She was thoroughly spoiled with lots of lovely, thoughtful gifts.

On Isla's actual birthday she woke to more gifts and (as requested) croissants for breakfast. Nana came with us to lunch and Butterfly Creek. Our bug adoring girl would have stayed in the butterfly house for hours if it wasn't for the rest of us not being able to deal with the humidity.

Both sets of Grandparents and Aunty Kim came over for dinner and more candles and cake (pretty sure the candles are the more important of the two) and then it was off to bed for school the next morning.

Such as exciting day for her and a big milestone for us as parents sending our first off to school. It all went smoothly and happily until we returned home from taking her to her class and i went in to tidy her room and unexpectedly burst into tears. She's so ready and i know she will absolutely flourish, it's just a bittersweet reminder of how fleeting this time really is.

I'm sure there are some deeper thought processes happening and changes that are being processed but i really am amazed at how she has taken it all in her stride - so far she is loving school, Mrs Cochrane and is making new friends every day. She is full of chat about what she is learning, what they are singing, jokes they are telling in class. She is already absorbing it all and looking forward to her junior concert next week. Happy birthday again to a sweet and shining star xxx

In the excitement of Isla's birthday poor Max (her birthday twin + 1 year) is often forgotten. Not this year. I present the high fibre dog bone biscuit with peanut butter ganache! Lucky mutt, happy 6th birthday Maximus.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Money doesn't grow on trees, but other things do.

Yesterday morning, after a rare girls night out I was feeling a tad delicate. I decided that en route to Nana and Grandad's house perhaps a Junior Whopper with Cheese might just be the miraculous cure i needed.

We never really go to Burger King, but i wasn't going to get away with going through the drive through and not ordering anything for the kids. So driving along, they were munching on their cheeseburgers with extra pickles when Isla says:

"Mum, are these seeds on top to grow a burger tree?"

The humble sesame seed will now be known in our household as the burger seed.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Big bad wolf

This morning my littlest buddy demonstrated his sweet nature and boyish exuberance in one short conversation.

Lachy (in a loud, gruff voice) "I'm gonna huff and puff and I will blow your house down!"
Me (aghast) " oh no!"
Lachy "don't worry, then I will fix it".

Sunday, 24 August 2014

And then she was 5

Its amazing how the vast majority of days just slip by and become the past. But others... Wow. I remember 25 August 2009 with such clarity, the day our lives changed forever, immensely and immeasurably for the better and our sweet little monkey made her way into the world. The details, thoughts and emotions feel like it happened 5 days ago, not 5 years.

And now this...

I cannot believe she is turning 5 tomorrow. It feels like such a huge milestone, leaving kindy and starting school and we are so proud of the way she is taking it all in her stride.

This girl is such an awesome big sister. She dotes on Lachy so much, and helps him to learn new skills each and every day. In between the squabbles that is. I love how these two are such good buddies and look out for each other.

She is so sweet natured but feisty, strong willed, loving, imaginative, independent, clever and hilarious. She loves Hide-and-Seek and to entertain her family. She loves cracking jokes and the outdoors. She loves bugs of all types (still, and just as much as before). She's bananas for bananas.

She loves adventures - anything from trying new foods to exploring new beaches and bush tracks. She always wants to help and learn new skills and increasingly do things for herself and teach Lachy to as well. She has been an absolute star helping to toilet train Lachy. I'm so proud of her confidence and ability to make new friends wherever we go. She has no fear and already wants to take on all the world has to offer, I can already tell she will be an adventurer and her own person when she grows up I just want to grab her and hold onto her, stop it happening and never let her go!

Isla my girl, you are a beauty, a dreamer but a deep-thinker, a compassionate soul - I love you like I never thought it was possible to love anything. Your favorite kindy teacher once told me she thought that you were a wonderful girl and that you would do something very special one day - you already have, you are you. Happy Birthday kiddo xxx

I mean, this kid high-5's cats, how much cooler could she be?

Monday, 11 August 2014

That time we took a wee winter break and it rained and rained and we all got sick but it was fun anyway.

Explorer and sidekick.
A week or so back we headed away to Rotorua for a wee winter getaway for 4 nights. We rented a house on the lakefront, so much easier with the kiddos and it was such a beautiful setting. Everyone had their own rooms - HUGE bonus.

Five daily minutes of sibling harmony.
 It was an absolutely idyllic spot and we are contemplating when we will be able to go back in summer. Isla and Lachy loved having their own beach, even if it was freezing and raining for 90% of the weekend!
Winter. They don't care. Then they were sick.

They loved running into the freezing lake and then jumping into the "sparkle" (Lachy's name for the spa pool) which they used about 12 times over the weekend.

Saturday was Francis' birthday and we braved the rain to visit Hell's Gate and I was surprised at Isla's level of interest in the thermal and volcanic activity. She soaked it up like a sponge and was busy explaining to Lachy how a geyser blows out water.

Just because I love his little mug in this one.

We just about drowned going up the gondolas and luge, but the kids wanted to go time after time. We took turns with both kids and dad was definitely the favourite with both of them telling me to "Find another hill Mama", "Go faster, catch Daddy Mama". Ha, probably the first time in my life i've been told to drive faster.

We celebrated Francis' birthday with an ice cream cake which the kids thought was fantastic, never having had one before. And as Nana Linda and Grandad Rick had joined us for part of the trip we managed an evening out and a lovely meal sans kids, something we haven't done for a very long time.

Cheeky kea, cheeky child.
On Sunday, the rain continued and we ventured out to Paradise Valley Springs to pat some lion cubs before the grandies headed home. I love to see the kids experiencing and seeing the animals but am always torn about how i feel about zoos and wildlife parks.

Nevertheless, we got to see and pat some 10.5 month old lion cubs. Even though they were babies themselves they were very keen on the children, and lunged at them several times with teeth and claws.
I just like this one because it looks like that enormous lion is going to eat our son.

More rain the next day, but we visited Rainbow Fairy Springs anyway.  The three kiwis were out, easy to spot and really active - probably the most I've even seen of a kiwi in my entire life so that alone was worth the visit. 

 Again braving the rain we went for a walk through the Redwood Forest and then through the park in the centre of town to see some more bubbling mud and water.

I love this shot. At first glance, our cute wee guy crossing a bridge in the Redwood Forest. However, when you zoom in he is crying his head off because we walked off and left him to his tantrum. Ah little guy, we'd never leave you. For long.
Tuesday, the only fine day of the trip dawned and we left early for Ruapehu. It was an absolutely stunning day on the mountain, no wind at all in Happy Valley. The kids had a blast after an initial terrible two tantrum from the little guy. They ate snow, built a snowman (WAY harder than i thought it'd be), had a great time sledding and throwing snow balls.

We left the mountain mid-afternoon and both kids dropped off relatively quickly. Two hours later Isla woke up and was very upset, sitting in the back holding a sodden ball of tissues. We asked what was wrong and she replied "I wanted to bring a snowball home to remind me of the snow but it melted and it's not even sunny in the car".

I have such fond memories of winter trips to Rotorua and the snow when I was a kid and it's so neat seeing our two enjoy it just as much. Actually, the best part of their weekend was probably me telling them they could make as much mess as they wanted and wouldn't have to clean it up until the day we left.

Lazy Lakeside
Evening exploration of the lake shore.

Crazies in the morning frost.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Reaching for the sky (literally)

With Isla soon turning five, her awareness of "growing up" seems to be increasing. She's begun to talk a lot about what she will do when she grows up.

Some of the career aspirations to date:
A shop lady
A road worker
A doctor
A fairy
A vet

Its fair to say some choices would makeme happier than others but our standard response is to tell her she can be whatever she decides she wants to be.

So, during a trip to the museum yesterday we saw the shell of a huge paddle crab. Still a lover of creepy crawlies of all types Isla told me she would love to catch a crab like that at Whitianga where we often go crabhunting. I told her that you would probably have to dive deep to find crabs like these. Which she could maybe try when she was a bit older.

We replied "Well, then I will be a tooth fairy until I'm 10 and then when I'm 11 I'll be a deep sea diver".

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

While you were sleeping...

...your creepy mother came and took some photos of you. Why? Because I can and because you look so cute, peaceful and innocent and I can forgive you anything that transpired during these long, wet winter days.

Won't sleep without her zebra pillow - best party favour ever.

Sleeping sideways on your bed. No slumber session is complete without your squirrel, wombat, Peppa Pig and a solar system book.

While I write the kids are currently playing and enjoying a late morning tea in the playhouse. It is cold, wet and windy outside but they don't care.  We are all enjoying the school holidays, staying in pyjamas and not rushing anywhere in the mornings.The last few months have been a whirlwind of birthday parties and busyness.

Poor Grandad Rick has had some heart problems and so we've been having hospital visits and worrying a lot. Although he is getting back to normal (or what will be a new normal) it's been scary realising that my big, strong, invincible Dad is getting older.

We have a few family birthdays coming up so we are looking forward to lots of cake, candles and especially a 5-day trip to Rotorua and the snow at the end of the month. Here are some notes about where the kidlets are at right now:

Lachy, you are the sweetest little buddy a mum could wish for. Most nights are broken at the moment with you creeping down to our room and climbing into our bed. We should get up and put you back into your room. We should be firmer with you and tell you no, but when you snuggle up to us with an arm firmly around our necks and snuggle in we just cannot resist you. Bad sleep training? Yes. Do we care right now? No.

Your favorite word is "Butt". You use it a lot. Enough said.

You are so generous with your affection - if anyone asks you for a kiss you very seldom deny and always suggest "And a cuddle." or vice versa. Heart. Melts.

Peppa Pig is an ongoing obsession. Nana and Grandad got you a tiny wee Peppa a week ago and so far it has gone everywhere and done everything with you. Several times a day we hear, in your perfect, staccato speech "Can. We. Watch. Peppa. Pig".

You are beginning to assert your authority and no longer just go along with everything your big sister (or mum and dad for that matter) wants. This is a good thing. I will keep telling myself that.

Your imagination is growing in leaps and bounds and you pick up things like the most enormously absorbent sponge - parroting Isla is helping you to learn things so quickly and yesterday you came out with "R for rainbow", "W for white" and "B for bed" at several different times during the day. We haven't tried to teach you this, you just learn and learn without trying and amaze us all the time.

Isla, you seem to be growing up more in each and every day. You are so lovely to watch with your brother, teaching him and playing such imaginative games with him. Your patience is growing.

Barbies seem to be your thing at the moment, at kindy drop off the other day you shouted over your shoulder "Look after Barbie and Ken for me Mum." Making up your own games is definitely what you want to do most of.

You are so, so, so ready for school. The last month or so has seen several of your buddies leave kindy for school and you have been a tiny bit glum. Big changes are coming for you and you will take it in your stride. Each day you stun me with how fast you learn and i love how you love to learn. The other day you went into your room with your etch-a-sketch and came out with several words you have written, all on your own. Dog, log, fog. Obviously your wonderful kindy teachers are helping you out but i was still impressed. And you were delighted when i showed you how adding an "r" to "fog" made "frog". It seems to all be coming together for you now and you will lap up the learning at school.

Most of all you just love to play with your friends, almost daily you are signing through your bedroom window to Emily next door to come and play, you are wonderful at making new friends wherever we go be it the zoo or the local playground.

Plans are coming into place for your "Frozen, Fairy, Arts & Craft" birthday party. You couldn't decide on a theme so we agreed on all three. Can't wait.


Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Emu Tree

The recent unexpected storm left our tree-covered property with surprisingly little damage. Sadly though, a 300-400 year old Rimu tree didn't fare so well at the grandparents house.

The kidlets visited to see this sad but awesome sight. On their return Isla was full of stories about the Emu tree that fell down at Nana and Grandads. Lachy was there too, however no shutter speed seems fast enough these days to capture any decent photos.

Friday, 13 June 2014

These two...

We spent Queen's birthday weekend plus and extra two days at Whitianga with Nana and Grandad and Aunty Kim. The weather turned out to be better than we could have hoped for and as per usual the littles had a ball.

I didn't take the camera, so only have a few phone shots. So here's the weekend in a nutshell.
- scooting and lots and lots of it
- SWIMMING, yes, SWIMMING in June. Every day. When do we start to be wimpy adults and feel the cold so badly?
- beachcombing
- horse riding (So proud of Isla who took a tumble over Shiloh's head when the greedy pony stopped dead from a canter to eat grass, she was literally and figuratively straight back in the saddle)
- drawing and lots of it
- sandpit, treehouse, playground play
and finally topped off with a little more scooting.

Poor Francis was left at home to half renovate the kitchen to install the new oven that i may or may not have consulted him on before buying. It may have caused a few headaches initially, but i love, love, love my new oven!

That one...

Ever the parrot, his sister's shadow - the other night over dinner:

Isla commenting on something (already sounding like a teenager, complete with eye roll) "Oh my god"
Lachlan, quick as a flash, utterly serious "Oh my dog".

This one...

While driving to a party today:
Isla "Mum, Billie said 'Let's save the world' but i didn't because i was too tired".

Guess the world can wait.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The joys of winter...

I'm at home today with two poor sick, feverish and snotty kids. So the fun season begins. Luckily it seems Isla's immune system kicks butt faster these days, she doesn't get sick as often, as bad or for as long as poor Lachy.

We ventured out to soccer this morning as i didn't want him to miss out. Not such a good idea, he kept asking "Is it finished Mum, is it finished?". So today i am grateful for TV, storybooks, craft and the ipad!

So, as the leaves have turned (and keep turning up and on and all over our deck, driveway, roof and backyard) a few things about the little people:

The boy:
  • Calls me "Mummy" less and less, "Mum" more and more.
  • Favourite saying "Go away silly poopy (insert name here)".
  • Has started soccer to tire him out over these wet winter months
  • Absolutely stunned me by counting to 13 the other day. We haven't tried teaching him numbers yet, just did it out of the blue. 
  • Told me, when i jokingly said "Max wants to play lego with us", "Max can't play lego, hasn't got hands". I'm certain he'd have rolled his eyes if he knew how.
  • Loves drawing us pictures and saying "For you Mum/Dad/Nan". Then he insists we put them on the fridge. Think i could wallpaper the house several times over with the pictures we've amassed over the last few weeks.
  • Randomly came up to me in the kitchen and told me "I love Etienne Mum".
  • Lego obsessed.

Lachy and Dave the coach

The girl:
  • Is very excited about starting school, we've chosen and visited a few times so she can familiarise herself with the play areas and layout. I'm so excited for her, she will take it in her stride. I, however...
  • Has been adorably sweet to her brother of late. She loves to teach him and guide him and we often hear "Come on darling", "Here you go darling". 
  • Is already planning her birthday party to which her teachers and i think just about everyone she has ever met is going to be invited.
  • Is super excited about starting gymnastics the minute she turns 5. She even offered to teach me to do a cartwheel, good luck sweetie, if i couldn't do it as a kid i sure as heck wouldn't place money on me now!
  •  Made me the most adorable mother's day card "I love mummy because she plays with me a lot and gives me lovely dresses", ha, the important things in life!

Grandad Tom

A few weeks ago, the sun shone gloriously and we headed to Cornwall Park for a gorgeous day out for Tom's 65th birthday.

We scootered, we BBQ'd, we snacked on a gourmet spread followed by a delicious lunch, we climbed hills and rolled down the other side, we lounged in the sun, we climbed trees, patted cows, dug in the dirt and finished up with hot tea and a superb rhubarb cake.

Then we headed home, full tummies, tired bodies smelling of woodsmoke and fresh air. All except Lachy who had rolled in sheep poo and had it in his hair and all over his clothes.

A very happy birthday outing for a very young senior citizen!

Nana Verna, looking stylish while cooking up a storm.
Isla helping Grandad climb the trees.
Like a pig in mud.