Tuesday, 9 September 2014

You are only 5 once...

Wow, what a ride the last few weeks have been. So many lasts and firsts for our girl, and we are so proud of the way she takes big changes in her stride.

Isla went to THE most amazing kindy (actually, i have no comparison to base this on) but she loves it, i love it, everyone i've ever talked to loves it soooo…) and when children leave to start school there is a bit of fanfare. Norman creates a "diploma" and conducts a bit of a ceremony. He summed up Isla really well - smart, friendly, helpful and courageous. Rounded off with all the kids singing "Happy School days" it really was a very special little farewell.

Sickness plagued the household once again in the week leading up to finishing kindy, parties etc and Isla missed her last school visit. Thankfully she perked up later that day and went off to a sleepover at Nana and Grandads so that we could get into full party prep mode.

By the time Isla and Lachy returned the next day the house had been transformed into a Frozen, Fairy and arts and crafts fest complete with candy floss, snow cones and Fairy Blossom and a Piñata to entertain the kiddies.
Frozen Cake
Fairy grotto waiting for wee fairies to grace it.
Kiddies lunch boxes.
Adults food table.
Grandad Rick and Aunty Kim perfecting their candy floss technique. This was a HUGE hit, even if it did sound like a 747 and coat the inside of the house with a fine dust of blue sugar.
Fairy Blossom was stunning and captivating.

Isla has some really sweet and lovely wee friends from kindy who were a pleasure to share the day with. She was thoroughly spoiled with lots of lovely, thoughtful gifts.

On Isla's actual birthday she woke to more gifts and (as requested) croissants for breakfast. Nana came with us to lunch and Butterfly Creek. Our bug adoring girl would have stayed in the butterfly house for hours if it wasn't for the rest of us not being able to deal with the humidity.

Both sets of Grandparents and Aunty Kim came over for dinner and more candles and cake (pretty sure the candles are the more important of the two) and then it was off to bed for school the next morning.

Such as exciting day for her and a big milestone for us as parents sending our first off to school. It all went smoothly and happily until we returned home from taking her to her class and i went in to tidy her room and unexpectedly burst into tears. She's so ready and i know she will absolutely flourish, it's just a bittersweet reminder of how fleeting this time really is.

I'm sure there are some deeper thought processes happening and changes that are being processed but i really am amazed at how she has taken it all in her stride - so far she is loving school, Mrs Cochrane and is making new friends every day. She is full of chat about what she is learning, what they are singing, jokes they are telling in class. She is already absorbing it all and looking forward to her junior concert next week. Happy birthday again to a sweet and shining star xxx

In the excitement of Isla's birthday poor Max (her birthday twin + 1 year) is often forgotten. Not this year. I present the high fibre dog bone biscuit with peanut butter ganache! Lucky mutt, happy 6th birthday Maximus.