...is Isla and Lachy playing hide and seek and whenever Lachy finds her he yells at the top of his voice "Yaya, Yaya".
So sweet that her name is one of his first works.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
So the house is a mess, I've been itching to tidy it up for most of the day but have managed to stop myself. Several times it would be on the tip of my tongue to say to Isla "I'm just going to put away the washing", "I'm just going to sweep the floor".
But I'm proud to say I resisted the urge, and it was hard. I am by no means the fussiest of housekeepers but there are certain things that have to be done, and a tidy, clean house is satisfying. I'm trying not to care is much.
Why? The other day as I lay on the couch with an upset tummy, Isla wanted to play Mummy and Baby. Her being Mummy, me the baby. I started to cry and said "mummy, I need you", "mummy come play with me". Her responses broke my heart, "No, I can't, I'm just going to do the washing", "No I can't, I'm just getting the dinner ready", "No, Mummy is busy right now".
It made me wonder how often I do put off playing with the kids for things I could do later, or not worry so much about.
So, today we went to Jumping Beans and met some firemen and squirted a fire hose. We played Lego. We danced over and over to Isla's music from dancing. We got things ready for dinner together. We played hairdressers.
Sorry darling girl. Mummy will try harder to leave the mess and have more playtime x
Now off to do some tidying!
Friday, 21 June 2013
One of my favorite things to do lately is watch the kids playing together when they don't know I am watching. Isla likes to go into Lachy's room when he first wakes after a nap and talk to him, play with him, climb in his cot.
I like to sneak down to his room and open the door a crack to see what they are up to. The other day Isla was telling him they were playing 'Nana and Grandads' and he was the grandad. Today I peeked in just in time to hear Isla say "I love you Lachlan". So sweet. Or even "No Lachy, That's not how you do it, come here I'll show you". Such a good big sister.
It's so neat to see them playing more and more with each other. We read them a combined story last night and it was very cute to have them both in the same bed, Lachy resting his head on Islas tummy, drinking his milk. He is very in to sloppy kisses and Isla is definitely getting more than her share.
Hearing them laughing together has got to be the best thing I've ever heard.
However, some of the conversation is more like 'where are your manners Lachlan', 'don't do that/this/the other Lachlan', 'we don't do that in this house Lachlan'. So it's not all warm fluffy moments.
Will keep up the covert spying for now because I find them so darn cute, I have to get in plenty of practice before the teenage years.
I like to sneak down to his room and open the door a crack to see what they are up to. The other day Isla was telling him they were playing 'Nana and Grandads' and he was the grandad. Today I peeked in just in time to hear Isla say "I love you Lachlan". So sweet. Or even "No Lachy, That's not how you do it, come here I'll show you". Such a good big sister.
It's so neat to see them playing more and more with each other. We read them a combined story last night and it was very cute to have them both in the same bed, Lachy resting his head on Islas tummy, drinking his milk. He is very in to sloppy kisses and Isla is definitely getting more than her share.
Hearing them laughing together has got to be the best thing I've ever heard.
However, some of the conversation is more like 'where are your manners Lachlan', 'don't do that/this/the other Lachlan', 'we don't do that in this house Lachlan'. So it's not all warm fluffy moments.
Will keep up the covert spying for now because I find them so darn cute, I have to get in plenty of practice before the teenage years.
Monday, 17 June 2013
I love being at home with my kids. At times it's really hard and they test my limited patience constantly. Some days end in tears, but overall I really appreciate the chance to be with them as I know it's a privilege not many can afford these days.
So I tell myself enjoy this time. Once it's gone you can't get it back.
Some extra money would be nice - I think most people would admit to wanting more than they have. I remind myself it's a short time to sacrifice a few things and thanks to extremely generous grandparents on both sides and doting aunties, our children certainly want for nothing.
Then, then, a really good offer comes along. A great offer in fact. To seize or not to seize? Much soul searching ensued about what I wanted to do now, and in the future. I definitely want to work again, I think it's really important as a role model to my kids. Part of being a strong, confident and fulfilled person is a job that satisfies you and I want to show them that. Opportunities that put you back into the workforce ahead of where you left it four years earlier don't come along often.
There are so many good reasons to do this. But I woke up one morning while still thinking it over and nearly burst into tears at the thought of what I might miss. My heart just clenches at the thought of leaving them, especially Lachy who is such a Mumma's little guy at the moment, not like little miss independent. I started thinking, will a nanny make cupcakes with them? Will she cuddle them they way they like when they hurt themselves? Will she know just how to make Isla laugh to get her out of a grump like I do? I'm not the best mum in the world, but I'm their mum and nobody knows them like I do.
In the end, it didn't work out and although a little disappointed I mainly feel relieved. I just have to remind myself when I am having a bad day of how torn I was at leaving them to go back to work and how lucky I am to have them and to be with them for now.
Longing for...
It's really hard to find the time (let alone spare funds) to do the things we want to our home. I would love, love, love to design and build our own home. Our location is absolutely perfect, and we are making our home work for us but it's always in the back of our minds whether we will need more space as the kids grow.
In the meantime, we a doing little bits and pieces when we find the time. Actually it's been a few months since we've had time to do anything at all. Francis tells me i am hard to buy for - i think i am super-easy, there are always tens of things i want at any given time!
Here are some lovely bits that I have my eye on, although mostly i am dreaming...
New dining chairs from here
Lovely, bright couch cushions from Redcurrent
Several of these - to keep our greenery away from little fingers (from Superette)
Several of these - to keep our greenery away from little fingers (from Superette)
This for family movie nights (our current TV which was so large in our old home, is teeny in our lovely big lounge).
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Full heart
On Sunday night after a really busy but good weekend, I put Isla to bed. As i went to get up from lying beside her for story time (Solomon Crocodile x3) she kissed me, grabbed my hands and said "you're going to stay here with me forever". Once again the cuteness overwhelms.
So it was lovely to catch up with friends at the Library Cafe and meet their precious new Miss S. almost, almost, made me consider another baby. Almost.
We headed home for a momentous occasion, Karen bought Mia over for Isla's first sleep over. To say the kids had a ball would be a gross understatement! Every dress up and most of her clothes were worn by each of them. They danced, they played with princess dolls, soft toys - I think just about every toy Isla owns. Meanwhile, Karen makes a mean cheese platter, and we enjoyed that over a couple of glasses of wine while we tried to snap photos.
These two are both mischievous and strong willed characters - it's surprising they get on so well.
They requested pizza for dinner, ate none of it and partied some more. Finally, after a screening of tangled, both dressed in Ariel nighties/PJs we got them to sleep far earlier and easier than expected!
After a pancake breakfast, more playing and absolutely totaling Isla's room the sleepover was over - success! Such a sweet first for our girl.
So it was lovely to catch up with friends at the Library Cafe and meet their precious new Miss S. almost, almost, made me consider another baby. Almost.
We headed home for a momentous occasion, Karen bought Mia over for Isla's first sleep over. To say the kids had a ball would be a gross understatement! Every dress up and most of her clothes were worn by each of them. They danced, they played with princess dolls, soft toys - I think just about every toy Isla owns. Meanwhile, Karen makes a mean cheese platter, and we enjoyed that over a couple of glasses of wine while we tried to snap photos.
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Aurora and Rapunzel |
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Not to be outdone - dread pirate L |
They requested pizza for dinner, ate none of it and partied some more. Finally, after a screening of tangled, both dressed in Ariel nighties/PJs we got them to sleep far earlier and easier than expected!
After a pancake breakfast, more playing and absolutely totaling Isla's room the sleepover was over - success! Such a sweet first for our girl.
Miserable Sunday so we headed to Kelly Tarltons Underwater World. Think this topped off what was already a pretty great weekend for them.
So, I'm tired,it's been busy, hard work at times and I'm not feeling so well at the moment. But, it was fun, filled with laughs, spent time with lovely friends, got to meet a gorgeous new bub... my heart is full!
Friday, 14 June 2013
The monkeys
The children are growing up so quickly, not an original thought I know, but my mind reels that Isla will soon be four and Lachy is well into toddlerhood already (albeit before his time). Almost makes me consider other baby, almost. This is where the munchkins are at right now:
Still in love with princesses, fairies and all things Disney
She is really starting to get interested in what she is wearing, how she is doing her hair etc
Wants her ears pierced for her birthday
She is coming along at kindy in leaps and bounds, learning her sight words so well.
Still in love with princesses, fairies and all things Disney
She is really starting to get interested in what she is wearing, how she is doing her hair etc
Wants her ears pierced for her birthday
She is coming along at kindy in leaps and bounds, learning her sight words so well.
Loving drawing and writing and making things. Sellotape obsession.
Loves to bake and help in the kitchen - cupcakes are a definite favorite.
Loves her little brother, it makes my heart swell to turn around when we are in the car and see them holding hands.
Randomly and constantly announces "I love you mum/dad/nana etc". Or even "I love you so much mum, you don't even know". She is such a sweet, loving kid. The cuteness.
Tells me she wants four babies of her own, and a daddy Francis. The innocence.
Loves to dance. Loves music, dances in the car - he is hilarious.
Does everything with the hugest grin, so quick to laugh and smile - gregarious little guy.
Stands at the fridge and pantry door, jumps up and down and yells till you get him what he wants.
Can say mum, dad, nana, duck, and lala (Isla)
Has an insatiable appetite for grapes
Won't sit still for 5 seconds. Literally.
Sloppy, open mouth kisses and snuggly cuddles. The best.
Loves to climb. Everything. Has just started at jumping beans and loves it.
Loves to bake and help in the kitchen - cupcakes are a definite favorite.
Loves her little brother, it makes my heart swell to turn around when we are in the car and see them holding hands.
Randomly and constantly announces "I love you mum/dad/nana etc". Or even "I love you so much mum, you don't even know". She is such a sweet, loving kid. The cuteness.
Tells me she wants four babies of her own, and a daddy Francis. The innocence.
Loves to dance. Loves music, dances in the car - he is hilarious.
Does everything with the hugest grin, so quick to laugh and smile - gregarious little guy.
Stands at the fridge and pantry door, jumps up and down and yells till you get him what he wants.
Can say mum, dad, nana, duck, and lala (Isla)
Has an insatiable appetite for grapes
Won't sit still for 5 seconds. Literally.
Sloppy, open mouth kisses and snuggly cuddles. The best.
Loves to climb. Everything. Has just started at jumping beans and loves it.
Seems to be so accident prone - he's always got grazes, bumps and raises - contemplating some padded head gear...
They are starting to play so well together and Lachy worships his big sister - he just wants to do whatever she is doing and will go and sit right on top of her when she is playing. He loves it when she dances and has taken to spinning around and around in circles and laughing like fools together. Isla loves it when she makes him laugh and will do it again and again. Sometimes he crosses the line and I hear "muuuuuum, Lachy's doing (fill in the blank)" which I am sure we will hear more and more of. The other day Isla told me "Lachy's my best friend mum", so we'll enjoy it while it lasts!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Disneyworld May 2013
We were recently extremely lucky to be taken on a trip to Disneyworld, Florida. Our first foray overseas with both children. We met up with Nana Linda, Dad Rick and Aunty Kim.
The trauma of travelling aside (kids were excellent - we even had someone on the plane comment how good they were), we had a great holiday. Disneyworld blows your mind. It's so hard to describe the scale of the place. I think Isla fell in love at first sight. she was enthralled with our resort, Art of Amimation, right from when we stepped off the bus at about 1am, after more than 20 hours of travel.
It took the kids several days to adjust to the time difference with Lachy waking at 3am and wanting to play AKA scream the house down. After that we enjoyed days of parks, rides, swimming, shopping in Disney stores, eating chips and hamburgers...
Isla loved meeting the characters, I was surprised by how much. I often have to remind myself she is still only three, she seems so much older in so many ways. She loved all of them from Donald to Pooh Bear and the princesses. Lachy was both in thrall of everything, yet so young he just took it in his stride. You could tell he was thinking "okay, another giant creature" and really just taking it all in.
Splash Mountain was Isla's favorite ride, she loved the fireworks each night at Magic Kingdom and appreciated the little details like underwater music in the little mermaid pool at our resort. We always thought it but the trip confirmed that she's a bit of a daredevil. Her swimming confidence is coming along in leaps and bounds and she is probably way too confident, not wanting to wear floaties but still jumping in and swimming and diving on her own.
It was so much fun to see Islas favorite characters and princesses come to life in her eyes. I think she was the perfect age to visit, too much older and she'd be telling us that they weren't real. At the moment she is still young enough to believe in fairy tales and princesses - it's so cute to see, but realistically won't last much longer. I would love to take them back one day, there really is something magical about the place, however it will be when Lachy is 9 or so. They'll love it for completely different reasons then.
Thanks to mum and dad and Kim, Francis and I got to have a bit of time out - we did a bit of shopping (not Francis's idea of good time out but even he had to concede it was worth it for the prices). Never enough shopping to satisfy me though! It's a measure of how tired I was that I couldn't even be bothered looking at the duty free shops in the airports. We also spent a day seeing the Everglades and Nasa which was far more impressive and interesting than i expected. It was no surprise Francis loved it.
Anyway, it was a lovely break for me not having to clean, cook and go through the daily routine - nice to swim and enjoy some sun. Not as much relaxation as per-kid holidays, but so much fun to see things through their eyes and experience it with them. It's also always nice to appreciate some of the comforts of home - you miss it when you are away, appreciate it for 5 minutes when you are back and then wish you were on holiday again. Lovely memories.
The trauma of travelling aside (kids were excellent - we even had someone on the plane comment how good they were), we had a great holiday. Disneyworld blows your mind. It's so hard to describe the scale of the place. I think Isla fell in love at first sight. she was enthralled with our resort, Art of Amimation, right from when we stepped off the bus at about 1am, after more than 20 hours of travel.
Lachy at the Cars part of our resort |
Isla and Rafiki |
It took the kids several days to adjust to the time difference with Lachy waking at 3am and wanting to play AKA scream the house down. After that we enjoyed days of parks, rides, swimming, shopping in Disney stores, eating chips and hamburgers...
Isla loved meeting the characters, I was surprised by how much. I often have to remind myself she is still only three, she seems so much older in so many ways. She loved all of them from Donald to Pooh Bear and the princesses. Lachy was both in thrall of everything, yet so young he just took it in his stride. You could tell he was thinking "okay, another giant creature" and really just taking it all in.
Splash Mountain was Isla's favorite ride, she loved the fireworks each night at Magic Kingdom and appreciated the little details like underwater music in the little mermaid pool at our resort. We always thought it but the trip confirmed that she's a bit of a daredevil. Her swimming confidence is coming along in leaps and bounds and she is probably way too confident, not wanting to wear floaties but still jumping in and swimming and diving on her own.
It was so much fun to see Islas favorite characters and princesses come to life in her eyes. I think she was the perfect age to visit, too much older and she'd be telling us that they weren't real. At the moment she is still young enough to believe in fairy tales and princesses - it's so cute to see, but realistically won't last much longer. I would love to take them back one day, there really is something magical about the place, however it will be when Lachy is 9 or so. They'll love it for completely different reasons then.
Thanks to mum and dad and Kim, Francis and I got to have a bit of time out - we did a bit of shopping (not Francis's idea of good time out but even he had to concede it was worth it for the prices). Never enough shopping to satisfy me though! It's a measure of how tired I was that I couldn't even be bothered looking at the duty free shops in the airports. We also spent a day seeing the Everglades and Nasa which was far more impressive and interesting than i expected. It was no surprise Francis loved it.
Anyway, it was a lovely break for me not having to clean, cook and go through the daily routine - nice to swim and enjoy some sun. Not as much relaxation as per-kid holidays, but so much fun to see things through their eyes and experience it with them. It's also always nice to appreciate some of the comforts of home - you miss it when you are away, appreciate it for 5 minutes when you are back and then wish you were on holiday again. Lovely memories.
The birth of a blog
Lately I've been feeling like I need to be doing more to chronicle the daily lives of our growing children. There never seems to be time to put together albums of all the photos we have lying around on hard drives and memory cards and I am constantly saying to myself that I should be writing down the things that the kids are saying and doing.
All to soon they will grown up and I want them to have some kind of record. I've never been a diary keeper, so we will see how this goes!
I don't think this will be something I share or really want out in the public domain, therefore I think it will also end up being an outlet for my general thoughts and daily happenings - we shall see.
All to soon they will grown up and I want them to have some kind of record. I've never been a diary keeper, so we will see how this goes!
I don't think this will be something I share or really want out in the public domain, therefore I think it will also end up being an outlet for my general thoughts and daily happenings - we shall see.
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